Paying Your Bill

Payment Plans

Currently, we have the following payment plans available:

  • Annual
  • Semi-Annual
  • Quarterly
  • Monthly (Available only when set up on EFT)

Your bill will be mailed to you approximately 30 days prior to the due date.


Payment Options:

Currently, we have the following payment options available for taking your payments:

    • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Request Form and voided check mandatory
    • Credit Card/Debit Card: Mastercard and Visa only
    • And Check by mail

You may pay by any of the means above by contacting your independent agency representative.


Reinstating Cancelled Policies

You will be mailed a REMINDER notice 15 days prior to your due date.
You will be mailed a CANCELLATION notice on your due date if the policy has not been paid, no coverage will be provided after that date.
A Statement of no loss and payment will be required for reinstatement.
A policy may be reinstated at the company option up to 60 days after the date of Cancellation.